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Hugo Etchegoyen <hetchegoyen <at>> writes:

> Version 2.01 of the
> multiple-inheritance class library for Lua has been released. 
> As the previous version, it offers a class framework along the lines of
> C++, including multiple stateful base classes (not just interfaces)
> plus shared (C++ virtual) derivation.
> This version supports named classes and using the dot notation for
> scoping, and is backwards compatible with the previous 1.03 version
> which only supported unnamed classes and square-bracket scoping.
> Example of the new style with global named classes and dot scoping:
> require
> 'classlib'class.Account()  

For those of use running 5.1.1 with LUA_COMPAT_VARARG undefined
need a simple patch to take that into account:

function mt:__call(...)

	local arg = {...}

	-- Create a new class

- Eric