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On Feb 08, 2007, at 12:36, George Petsagourakis wrote:

There is no way to parse the following format using your proposed func:

Hmmm... as Mikko Sivulainen mentioned earlier... this is really straightforward using a function environment... perhaps even worth mentioning again :)

assuming a 'config.txt' with the same content as in your example...

option1 = "ok"
option2 = true
option3 = 34

function config( aPath )
        local aFile, aStatus = aPath, "rb" )
        local aContent = aFile:read( "*all" )
        local aChunk, aStatus = loadstring( aContent )
        local anEnvironment = {}

        setfenv( aChunk, anEnvironment )

        return anEnvironment

local aConfig = config( "config.txt" )

for aKey, aValue in pairs( aConfig ) do
        print( aKey, aValue )

> option3 34
> option2 true
> option1 ok