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David Given <> writes:
> ⍎'⎕',∊N⍴⊂S←'←⎕←(3=T)⋎M⋏2=T←⊃+/(V⌽"⊂M),(V⊝"⊂M),(V,⌽V)⌽"(V,V←1⎺1)⊝"⊂M)'
> No, that's not line noise. That's an implementation of Conway's Game Of Life
> in one line of APL. I have yet to find any computer which can render all the
> symbols.

Hmmm, my mail-reader misses one: "HORIZONTAL SCAN LINE-1" (between the
two 1s)...  I knew APL used all the greek letters and lots of weird
overstruck stuff, but ... HORIZONTAL SCAN LINE-1?!?


Any man who is a triangle, has thee right, when in Cartesian Space, to
have angles, which when summed, come to know more, nor no less, than
nine score degrees, should he so wish.  [TEMPLE OV THEE LEMUR]