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On Monday 12 February 2007, jbarciela jbarciela wrote:
> I'm surprised that mod_lua behaves like cgi, in my mind the point of
> using a mod_X (mod_perl for example) is to avoid just that, and run
> in-process with the server.

so was i, and that's why i wrote an alternative.

the tradeoff they chose is about isolation.  in theory, nothing you do for one 
request would affect the environment for the next one. to get that, they 
create and destroy a lot of it each time.

OTOH, i like more to program on an event driven model: each request is an 
event for a long-standing application, with all it's state persistant from 
one request to the next.  of course, that means you have to manage different 
users yourself.

> About the COMET trick: Does Xavante assumes that the connections get
> closed? What if I keep a lot of open connections around? Will that
> kill scalability?

Xavante will try to keep connections as long as possible.  if the clients like 
to use a lot of them, you might hit some saturation point.

i haven't tested it with too many clients at once. 10-100 connections are no 
problem with small tests; but i don't know where were the total throughput 

of course, this depends a lot on what kind of users you expect (a few high 
bandwith, a lot with low bandwith, AJAX clients with lots and lots of very 
short requests, or ISO image downloadings...)

my personal goal is a few (10-50) users with 1-2 very long lived connections 
each and bursty but sparse usage on high-bandwith LAN.  IOW, Xavante was the 
platform for a customised client-server system to be used in-site to manage 
big TIFF files.  (still not realized... permanently on plans)


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