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In doing serialization code using Lua/C API, I found two things concerning the '%q' formatting used in string.format():

* There is no Lua/C API way to convert a string into its safe, '%q' formatted representation.

- string.format code (in lstrlib.c) has 'static' scope for the functions involved - lua_pushfstring() could support '%q' but it's conceptually in wrong level (no luaL functions in core)

I would suggest adding serialization/deserialization right into the Lua/C API itself, this would cover the '%q' case as well (serialize a string and you get its '%q' conversion).

* The second finding concerns documentation:

states: "This function does not accept string values containing embedded zeros."

should be: "This function does not accept format strings and %s parameters containing embedded zeros."

Having embedded zeros in '%q' parameters is okay (they convert to \000).
