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Eike Decker wrote:
However, debugging the luacode is not very joyful at the moment. [snip]
This piece of code is responsible for the loss of about 120FPS - so it would be
required to be much more efficient...
I already took ripped out the essential parts from other functions instead of
calling them in order to get more performance though I am not sure if that will
break something there...

I'd be happy for any advice to make this work faster.

My 2 cents. Given what was written in Lua's manual.html, I'd question whether your app should be using those debug functions so extensively in the first place, especially for the kind of app you're running. I thought those functions are used sparingly, say in a gdb-like setting, but they are not for running full-bore providing a program trace. Don't call or hook anything unless you absolutely need it.

The only thing I can imagine, make a list of lines that contain lists of files
they belong to - and check then only the lines that are matching...

I hope you're not putting effort optimizing the wrong things...

Kein-Hong Man (esq.)
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia