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Maybe try a  select().
select() should return an error FDS when doing a send()


On 3/2/07, Romulo Bahiense <> wrote:

I'm attempting to implement a Keep-Alive connection using the
socket.http library. I'm already able to detect and handle the details
(http headers, persisting the socket userdata etc.)

The problem is: how to detect when the server (httpd: apache+fastcgi)
closes the connection? I've tried to watch the results of client:send()
while sending the reqline and detecting if the error is "closed", but it
seems that the client is acting as if nothing had happened until it
tries to read from the same socket.

Another solution I've tried is to socket.protect socket.http.request{}
and repeat the whole request when the connection was closed, but
sometimes the server _do_ close the connection and repeating the request
would be wrong.

Am I doing something wrong? Any ideas?

WinXP, Lua 5.0.2, LuaSocket-2.0.1-lua50-win32.
