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Leigh McRae wrote:

>   I am looking for something along the lines of:
> local    sp = self.spBackGround = CreateSprite()
> sp:setSize( 10, 10 )

If setSize() returns the sprite, then:

  self.spBackGround = CreateSprite():setSize(10, 10)

It's hard to see a way to avoid a multiple assignment to capture to a
local variable. Perhaps:

  function dup(x) return x, x end

  local sp
  sp, self.spBackGround = dup(CreateSprite():setSize(10, 10))

Looks like that one was already suggested! You might also try:

  function self:set(k, v)
     self[k] = v
     return v

  local sp = self:set('spBackGround', CreateSprite()):setSize(10,10)

I think your original code is easier to read.


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