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On Thursday 08 March 2007, Spencer Schumann wrote:
> One reason for the sparse library support for both Lua and Scheme
> stems from their language philosophy.  For instance, neither one has a
> standard object system, but both provide means for building one.  This
> makes library inter-operation difficult, since libraries built on top
> of one object system are generally not compatible with libraries built
> with other object systems.

this is nonsense.  Lua already has inheritance and polymorphism, the only 
part 'missing' is inheritance (and even that is open to discussion).  if you 
have two (or more) 'OO frameworks' it might be difficult to mix inheritance 
between them, but it's no problem at all to interoperate.

as long as any object field can be accessed like a table member and any method 
takes the object as the first parameter, you can readily forget how 
the 'object' was created and how it's 'class' was defined.


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