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On Monday 12 March 2007, gary ng wrote:
> I am a bit confused here. So do you mean I can forget
> about the cgi launcher completely in such a setup ?
> But I assume I would still need the require'cgilua' as
> that module provides the helper functions to speak
> with the launcher(this time not the lua adaptered one
> but the apache2 module).

you're thinking about it from the wrong side.

- CGILua is NOT a library for writing CGI scripts.
- CGILua is a CGI that uses (your) Lua scripts to do its work.

IOW: the web server calls the CGILua launcher (CGI, mod_lua, FastCGI, anyone), 
the launcher will parse the query and call your script to do the interesting 

therefore, your script will have the cgilua API already available.  also, 
there's no need for the "#!/bin/lua" line, since it won't be 'executed' by 
the system.


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