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Thanks.  I should have replied to myself earlier.  Indeed I got it to
build with similar options.  I also have an xcode project that uses
the bundle template and runs a custom build script that sheds the
bundle folder structure, just giving the binary  file.  When I use
this project, things work great when the binary is loaded by a
particular Carbon application, but when I rty to load the same bundle
from the command-line Lua or other Carbon applications, I get the
double free errors I described earlier.  I still don't fully
inderstand how dyld works on OSX, but if I build the binary using the
options you suggested on the command line, things works fine and I
don't have any double free errors.  Wierd!


On 3/15/07, Roberto Ierusalimschy <> wrote:
> Has anyone built lpeg for OSX?  My builds are giving me massive double
> free/malloc errors for some reason.

I (just) did. It worked OK, with the following options:

gcc -I../.. -Wall -O2 -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup -o lpeg.c

-- Roberto