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>Date: March 27, 2007 3:23:29 PM GMT-03:00
>Subject: HOPL-III overview histories of programming paradigms
>Attention SIGPLAN and SIGSOFT communities:
>This June, the Third ACM SIGPLAN History of Programming Languages
>Conference ( will take place in San Diego
>at FCRC 2007 ( ).  HOPL-III will cover the last 15
>years of programming language development.  The HOPL III
>programming languages can be broadly categorized into five classes
>(or paradigms): Object-Oriented (Modula-2, Oberon, C++, Self,
>Emerald, and BETA), Functional (Haskell), Scripting (AppleScript,
>Lua), Reactive (Erlang, StateCharts), and Parallel (ZPL, High
>Performance Fortran). Each HOPL-III paper describes the perspective
>of the creators of the language. Hence it is important to
>understand the context of each programming paradigm during the same
>We would like the community to help us create a broad overview of
>each of those paradigms, so that we can better document the
>contexts in which each of these languages grew.  We are using the
>Wikipedia HOPL article at for
>this purpose.  We encourage you to read and contribute to these
>Barbara Ryder and Brent Hailpern, HOPL co-Chairs