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On Mon, 16 Apr 2007 11:55:22 -0500, Rici Lake <>

>Steve Heller wrote:
>> --- Rici Lake <> wrote:
>>> Steve Heller wrote:
>> Unfortunately, I still can't get it to set the
>> breakpoint. The file name shows up as this in ldb:
>> ...ustom\bac_6m\filters\experian\acaps_ecbm_filter2.lua
>Oops. I'll change the id() function so that it uses source
>instead of short_src if the source is a filename.


>> so I had to guess at the beginning of the name, but so
>> far I haven't been able to guess correctly.
>> Also, the latest version doesn't pass the arguments in
>> correctly as far as I can tell.
>I'll put up a new tarball a bit later on. Right now, the
>changes are only going into CVS, so you'd need to grab
>the files directly out of the CVSTrac browser. Sorry.
>I'll set up anonymous CVS access as soon as I figure out
>how to do it without compromising the server.

Sure, just let me know when/how to get to the CVS.
