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Le 26 avr. 07 à 11:00, David Kastrup a écrit :

Bertrand Mansion <> writes:


I am new to lua and currently reading the book.

I am wondering if lua 5.1 supports utf-8 in string handling,
comparisons, conversions and pattern matching and things like \u in
If not, are there plans to add utf-8 support in the future ?

There is slnunicode.


Thank you for your replies.
I am a web developer by day, I know some scripting languages like PHP, Python, Ruby... but there is one thing I am really bad at, it's C and the compilation stuffs.

I have downloaded slunicode, lpeg, lrexlib because I need a more sophisticated regex lib for the work I am trying to do. Unfortunately, these libs don't come with a configure script :( I have no idea how to compile them successfully on my Mac (Macosx 10.4 tiger).

I feel that if I can't learn to do that, there is not much I will be able to do with Lua because it is so lightweight that it's missing a lot of "features". Don't get me wrong, Lua is by far my favorite language, I love its design, it's clean and well thought, and it's fast. But it needs some extensions.

# So is there some tutorial on how to compile (and link) a lua extension on Mac ?

It would be nice to have a package distribution service like CPAN for Lua, now that there is support for modules. I am a contributor to PEAR, the CPAN equivalent for PHP, I might help with that once I know a little more about Lua.

(sorry I am off topic)

Bertrand Mansion
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