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- Subject: Re: Simple pickler
- From: Luis Carvalho <carvalho@...>
- Date: Fri, 18 May 2007 22:20:01 -0400
> Please post here, it's interesting :)
Ok, it's not that big after all. :) The code is attached. As a simple test,
require "pickler"
a = {x = 1, y = 2; {3, 4, 5}}
a[2] = a -- cycle
a.z = a[1] -- shared subtable
a.f = function(n) return n+1 end
-- cross refs
b = {k = a[1]}
a[3] = b
fp = pickler.open("ab.lpk", "w")
-- table
-- types
fp:write(function(x) return math.cos(x) end)
And then (not in the same session if you really want to test :)):
require "pickler"
-- set pickler._BUFSIZE to your taste, including "*a"
f = pickler.open"ab.lpk"
t = {} -- getter
for o in f:objects() do t[#t + 1] = o end
-- table test
assert(t[1].f(t[1].x) == t[1].y)
assert(t[1] == t[1][2]) -- cycle
assert(t[1][1] == t[1].z) -- shared ref
assert(t[1][1] == t[2].k and t[1][3] == t[2]) -- cross refs
-- type test
assert(t[4] == type(t[4]))
assert(t[6](t[5]) == -1)
Suggestions are welcome, of course.
A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems.
-- P. Erdos
Luis Carvalho
Applied Math PhD Student - Brown University
PGP Key: E820854A <carvalho@dam.brown.edu>
-- pickler.lua v0.2
-- Simple pickle library based on Roberto's struct library at
-- http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/struct
-- All Lua types but thread and userdata are supported. Function pickling is
-- based on string.dump/loadstring, and so closures are not an (easy) option.
-- Table with references to other tables are ok (including cyclic references).
-- Thanks to Thomas Lauer for his many suggestions.
-- This code is in public domain.
require "struct"
local pack = struct.pack
local unpack = struct.unpack
local size = struct.size
local type = type
local dump = string.dump
local loadstring = loadstring
local setmetatable = setmetatable
local pairs = pairs
local concat = table.concat
local error = error
local assert = assert
local fopen = io.open
local wrap = coroutine.wrap
local yield = coroutine.yield
local format = string.format
local function taddress(t) -- table address: simple hash
return tostring(t):sub(10)
local function toversion(h) -- hex to version string
return format("%.1f", format("%x", h) / 10)
local function fromversion(v) -- version string to hex
return tonumber(v * 10, 16)
_VERSION = "0.2"
_BUFSIZE = 2^13 -- 8 kB
local SIGNATURE = pack("Bc3", 0x1b, "LPK") -- <esc>LPK
-- from lua.h
local TNIL = 0
local TBOOLEAN = 1
local TNUMBER = 3
local TSTRING = 4
local TTABLE = 5
local TFUNCTION = 6
-- extra
local TREF = 253
local TGUARD = 254
local TBLOCK = 255
-- keep references to tables
local ref = setmetatable({}, {__mode = "v"})
-- main routines: pickle and unpickle
pickle = function(o)
local t = type(o)
if t == "nil" then
return pack("B", TNIL)
elseif t == "boolean" then
return pack("BB", TBOOLEAN, o and 1 or 0)
elseif t == "number" then
return pack("Bd", TNUMBER, o)
elseif t == "string" then
return pack("BLc0", TSTRING, #o, o)
elseif t == "table" then
local a = taddress(o)
if ref[a] == nil then -- not interned?
ref[a] = o
local p = {} -- hold packs
p[1] = pack("B", TTABLE) -- type
p[2] = pack("Bc0", #a, a) -- ref key
for k, v in pairs(o) do
p[#p + 1] = pickle(k)
p[#p + 1] = pickle(v)
p[#p + 1] = pack("B", TGUARD) -- table end
return concat(p)
return pack("BBc0", TREF, #a, a)
elseif t == "function" then
local f = dump(o)
return pack("BLc0", TFUNCTION, #f, f)
error("type not supported: " .. t)
unpickle = function(o, start)
local p = start or 1
local t, p = unpack("B", o, p)
if t == TNIL then
return nil, p
elseif t == TBOOLEAN then
return unpack("B", o, p) == 1, p + size"B"
elseif t == TNUMBER then
return unpack("d", o, p)
elseif t == TSTRING then
return unpack("Lc0", o, p)
elseif t == TTABLE then
local a, p = unpack("Bc0", o, p)
-- intern table
local r = {}
ref[taddress(r)] = r
ref[a] = r
local k, v
while (unpack("B", o, p)) ~= TGUARD do
k, p = unpickle(o, p)
v, p = unpickle(o, p)
r[k] = v
p = p + size"B" -- after TGUARD
return r, p
elseif t == TFUNCTION then
local u, p = unpack("Lc0", o, p)
return loadstring(u), p
else -- TREF
local a, p = unpack("Bc0", o, p)
assert(ref[a] ~= nil, "table not interned")
return ref[a], p
-- pickler file object
local write = function(fp, o)
local f = fp.handle
local p = pickle(o)
f:write(pack("BL", TBLOCK, #p))
local objects = function(fp)
local f = fp.handle
return wrap(function()
local s, p = "", 1
while true do
local fs = f:read(_BUFSIZE)
if fs == nil then break end -- EOF?
s = s .. fs
while p <= #s do -- any object left?
-- read block size
if p + size"BL" - 1> #s then break end -- buffer underflow?
local c, l, o = unpack("BL", s, p)
assert(c == TBLOCK, "file format error")
-- read block
if o + l - 1 > #s then break end -- buffer underflow?
o, p = unpickle(s, o)
s, p = s:sub(p), 1 -- reset buffer and position
if _BUFSIZE == "*a" then break end -- parse only once
local close = function(fp)
local fp_index = {write=write, objects=objects, close=close}
open = function(fname, mode)
local mode = mode or "r"
local version = _VERSION
assert(mode == "r" or mode == "w", "unknown option: `" .. mode .. "'")
local f = assert(fopen(fname, mode .. "b"),
"cannot open file: `" .. fname .. "'")
if mode == "r" then -- read
local s = f:read(#SIGNATURE)
assert(s == SIGNATURE, "wrong file format")
version = toversion(unpack("B", f:read(size"B")))
else -- write
f:write(pack("B", fromversion(version)))
return setmetatable({handle=f, mode=mode, version=version},
{__index = fp_index})