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> Looking at the bugs page, it appears that the Lua team keeps the current
> version until about 10 patched bugs appear and then releases a new version
> with the patches applied. Then, when a version goes some time without any
> bugs being reported, it is time to start a new minor version that
> introduces significant changes.

The first part yes, the second no. Usually we wait for some bugs to
"accumulate" to justify a new release; 10 is a good number, but we do
not count; we consider also the gravity of each bug.

But new versions have no relation with bugs in current versions.

A new version (a real new version, like 5.2) is always somewhat
disruptive, even when it is fully backward compatible. It creates
forward compatibility problems, it deprecates documentation, etc.
So, there must be enough "goodies" to justify a new version, or
more often, one new feature strong enough to justify a new version
(like incremental collection in 5.1).

-- Roberto