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>My point was, that from your earlier post, the simple "or" did in  
>fact work. I was wondering whether the local variable was correctly  
>being processed.

you are right - sorry, it was a missunderstanding. To clarify:

 - "or" with literal "nil" or "false" works
 - "or" with (local or global) variable containing "nil" or "false"
   does not!

I just found ChunkSpy  and  tried to run it  over the output of the
WinCE "luac" - the first result was "unsupported endianess"  (which
sounds ok, as the target processor is a MIPS and the host processor
initially was a x86 type) I than ran ChunkSpy on my Handheld but it
(i.e. the ChunkSpy lua script) did not recognize the givn arguments

This seems to require some more investigation - unfortunately,  fa-
mily just woke up  ( ;-) or :-( depending on your opinion about fa-
milies ;-) ) More by tomorrow...

Kind regards,

Andreas Rozek         Phone:  ++49 (7031) 436 5784
Brunnenstraße 30/2    Mobile: ++49 (151) 172 879 18
D-71032 Böblingen     EMail:
Germany               URL: