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Don Hopkins schrieb:
If we did it again from scratch, I would choose Lua as the underlying scripting language, and write a custom special purpose language and visual programming tool on top of that. I don't think that it would be necessary to change the Lua language itself to support edit and continue, just write the visual language interpreter in Lua and integrate it with the application code in the right way.

I think that is the right way to do things like this. Lua ist best suited to develop higher level domain specific languages and too much syntactic sugar adds unneccesary burden to it. IMHO Luas role for scripting is comparable to that of C for programming. Hence I like it as it is: small, fast, minimalistic, powerfull and easily entendable and embadable.

But I am quite sure its authors will resist all temptations to go into the direction of higher level scripting languages.
