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Programming in Lua as in any language has a certain mindset, which makes one do things "the Lua way". So maybe the reason you need a 'signature' for table contents is because of doing something unlike Lua in higher levels.

Having said that, I actually had the same need yesterday (first time ever) and made the following code. This is for caching products based on table contents, so earlier products can be reused. Please take use of the code, if you like. Disclaimer: not tested yet!

Note that even if Lua had a hash metamethod for tables, it wouldn't give same hash for different tables of equal contents.

-- str= table_id(tbl)
-- Returns a unique ID for the assert template table; subsequent calls must
-- give the exact same string.
-- { [tbl/assert_func [, ...] [, true]], [name= tbl/assert_func [, name2= tbl/assert_func]] }
local function table_id( t )
    local sort= {}  -- parts collected: "num=..." "name=..."

    -- Collect IDs for each key
    for k,v in pairs(t) do
        local tv= type(v)
        local s
        if tv=="table" then
            s= "{"..table_id(v).."}"

        elseif tv=="function"
-- tostring(func) gives "function: 0xNNNNN"; the "function: " is -- unnecessary for us but it does not really matter (except for
            -- the cached memory strings taking up some bytes)
            s= string.gsub( tostring(v), "function: ", "", 1 )
            assert( v==true )
            s= true
        sort[#sort]= k.."="..s

    table.sort( sort )

    return table.concat( sort, "," )

Peter Cawley kirjoitti 14.11.2007 kello 23:13:

The 0x12345678 value produces by tostring is the pointer to the
object. As the table is being regenerated each time, this value will

a = {1,2,3}
b = {1,2,3}
= tostring(a)
table: 003297C8
= tostring(b)
table: 003299F0
a = {1,2,3}
= tostring(a)
table: 0032B138

On 14/11/2007, Patrick Donnelly <> wrote:
I'm not saying this is the most efficient way, but here's something you can do:

hold = {}
somenewtable = {}
hold[somenewtable] = true
hold[tostring(somenewtable)] = somenewtable

table: 0x807b6a0

Notice tostring on a table produces a unique string identifier for
that table... You can use it as your "hash".

-Patrick Donnelly

"One of the lessons of history is that nothing is often a good thing
to do and always a clever thing to say."

-Will Durant