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w8, does that mean that you're linking dynamically to crt, but bringing in stuff that's statically linked to crt?
That's pretty much exactly what I just said, no?

(even if that would work well in theory, it doesn't 'save you files', it just adds the crt to each of them for no particular reason)

John Dunn wrote:
Stefan Sandberg
Is there any particular reason why you need to statically link everything? It's quickly becomes messy when you're no longer in charge of which crt things are linked to, and you can end up with different heaps, which can/should behave very badly.

No particular reason except it's one less DLL to cart around. If it's
problematic there isn't an issue switching to the DLL. I am using the
dynamic crt for everything involved - I just usually statically link to
3rd party libraries ( tinyxml, lua, etc ) when possible to reduce the
number of files that need to be in sync.