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Tim Kelly wrote:
> That's not how it works. In business, "change is good, it's hip, it's happening,
>the company is forward-looking and on top of new technologies."

Change is good only when what is coming replaces what is here and does a good job of doing so (and is supported by the "market"). Otherwise change is bad and expensively so (did your company buy OS/2?). So in your parlance that is the new language "Nua" replacing Lua. Does Nua have everything you need (including stability and a community?, I thought not :-)

Business likes stability. Business likes change only when change is better than staying where you are. Change includes the cost of training and all the new things involved in that as well as the cost of deployment and usage.

Stability, the ability to bank on "this works and works well", sells. It means no new investment on new technology. That is exactly where your managers are - they don't want to blow money on the wrong technology now (is Lua stagnant?), but they do want to invest money in the right technology now (Hey, Lua is mature and does what we need, and look Adobe use it in one of their main products, must be good and that game my kids play, whats that called, "Warcraft World"? that uses Lua too.).

> That's why there is a phrase "buzzword-compliant." I'm not arguing in favor of this - quite the opposite,

Read "Inside the Tornado". Should give you all the understanding you need to completely undermine their arguments by explaining to your managers in language and point-of-view they use that the fact Lua is mature and has a community is exactly what they are looking for.

> They approve the bids and write the checks.

In which case they should educate themselves a bit more on what they are writing those checks for. Or at the very least, allow you to educate them. A manager that won't listen to the people they manage isn't worth hiring in the first place.
