unwind_protect( io.close, f )( function() print( f:read( "*a" ) ) end ) With syntactic sugar for closure arguments, we get: unwind_protect( io.close, f ) do print( f:read( "*a" ) ) end
This does not allow arguments, which could be useful for iterated callbacks as in Ruby:
5.times { |i| ... }The idea being that it lets the called function "drive" the one passed in.
Assuming the closing parenthesis is the main issue, would it be an idea to look for an alternate notation? Here's a strange one:
unwind_protect( io.close, f ) # function() print( f:read( "*a" ) ) end Taking this further: function myif (c,a,b) if c then a() else b() end end myif (condition) # function () print "yes" end # function () print "no" end Yuck. Just to show what such Smalltalk-like "code bocks" can lead to. -jcw