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Dave Dodge schrieb:
On Mon, Feb 18, 2008 at 03:36:55AM +0100, Peter Sommerfeld wrote:
The default font-size on modern browsers is 16 pixel which is overlay large imho, - a waste of space.

...and this indicates a problem with the browser defaults, not the
site.  A site should assume the user has set up their configuration
appropriately and body text should not be less than 100%. (Yes I know
this is a controversial topic but as a user who _does_ set their font
preferences I have to throw in my 2 cents).

Sure, like other web-design topics it's an controversial one. But at least the browser defaults seem to become consistent lately and stylesheets widely used. So I expect more and more websites will adjust the font-size to 13/14px. After all, that's a moving target...

Anyway, we will not solve this controversial issue.
