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On 2/24/08, Petite Abeille <> wrote:
> Are you familiar with PmWiki's internal implementation? Looking at
>  pmwiki-2.2.0-beta65 scripts directory, there is no obvious 'search'
>  module. Would you know by any chance where/how is the search
>  implemented?

I just looked into PmWiki code and it seems that all search
functionality is in the file "scripts/pagelist.php". To optimize the
speed for large wikis PmWiki maintains a cache "page index".

Hope it helps.

>  Nanoki itself, in addition to various navigation mechanisms, provides
>  title search. The search is implemented as a trie:
>  For example, looking for 'mac'...
>  feed://
>  ... would yield thinks like 'Automated Teller Machine', 'Enigma
>  Machine', 'Nicobar Long Tailed Macaque', etc...
>  While such mechanism could be extended to cover the page content as
>  well, most wiki do not have enough content to make it worthwhile. And
>  if they do, they would be better off using a proper text search engine
>  library such as Lucene, Xapian or such. Or rely on an external search
>  engine such as Google or Yahoo.
>  My own preference would be for a Lua implementation/binding of/to
>  Lucene. But that would be a rather involved project :)
>  Cheers,
>  PA.