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----- Original Message ----- From: "Mike Pall"

As you can see this can get arbitrarily complex. But I realize
I'll have to add this optimization sooner or later. It's the only
way to get good performance for methods written in OO-style.


It'd definitely be the most noticeable optimization that one could make to lua. Although I much rather that it's you and not me. Things like

setmetatable(t, { __newindex = function(t,k,v) rawset(t, "sqrt", v) })

would send me running as far away from the project as I can get =/. Definitely arbitrarily complex ;)

It sounds fair that the debug library (may) only work from within the interpreter. Particularly if jit can be selectively disabled (I'm not sure how that goes on a tracing jiter though).

Anyway, best of luck.

- Alex