I think Lua doesn't have os.sleep() (the name usually given) because
it's not in the C standard. There's a way around it in plain Lua,
assuming os.time() uses seconds as its unit (which is the case on at
least Windows and Linux):
function wait(seconds)
local start = os.time()
repeat until os.time() > start + seconds
for i=1,10 do
Off-topic: The keywords in your code are capitalized though keywords in
Lua are case sensitive. Just so you know.
- Peter
Rolf wrote:
Sorry for a newbie question. I am not a programmer, but I have just
started to use LUA in an application that supports LUA scripts.
I need a pause or wait command inside my script;
For example:
For i=1,10 do
In this script I would print “i” every 7 sec. Is there such a simple
wait command included in LUA?
Surprised if there is not…?
I searched the LUA archive, but only found discussions about
coroutine.yield(). However, I do not understand how to use this or if
they can even be called in the application that I am using (EccoExt
for Ecco Pro. See the Tutorials here http://eccowiki.com/)