pbLua is Lua 5.1.2 for the LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT.
The newest pbLua is Beta 14h - and it's really a big improvement over
any other public Beta so far.
New features include:
1. USB console works reliably now
2. Bluetooth console works reliably now
3. Flash file system has autoload capability - using filename
4. Added DisplayFlip() and DisplayInvert() so you can read the
display upside down.
5. Added timer to PowerDown() so the NXT can shut off after n
minutes of inactivity - you can disable it too
6. Added Reboot() function
The website has a new tutorial section to get you started, hopefully
I'll get around to motors soon.
I do plan to be at the FLL World Festival in Atlanta this April, and'
will be giving demonstrations to anyone that wants to see them.
Cheers, and thanks for trying pbLua!