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On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 8:42 PM, Jim Whitehead II <> wrote:
>  Apologies for not posting sooner, but the organization acceptance
>  emails have gone out and the participating list of organizations has
>  been posted on the Google Summer of Code website.  Lua was not one of
>  the 175 out of 500 organizations selected this year so there won't be
>  any formal participation in the program.  I'm waiting to get feedback
>  from the program coordinator so we can better understand why our
>  application wasn't chosen, so we have a better chance of being
>  accepted in the future.

Unfortunately, I have still been unable to get the specifics about the
reasons our application was rejected.  The coordinator asked for a
link to our ideas webpage and gave us some feedback on that-- but to
be completely frank it seemed as if she either completely
misunderstood the format, or didn't read the page.

You have several ideas that have no additional information at all, no
mentor, no description, just a name.  It would have been great to have
those filled out. The ideas themselves seem somewhat underspecified -
it would be helpful to have links to further resources and reading,
and flesh out the ideas a bit more.

There's great advice on constructing a good ideas list here:

It's wonderful that you have potential mentors listed - ++

Frankly, I have no idea what she's referring to, as we only have one
project that didn't have a mentor listed, and each project had a
reasonable extensive description (one or two were a bit short, but
they were all there).  In addition, some of the ideas were specified
to a very clear point, so I'm unsure.

Frankly, I think the format of the wiki page and the overall
unprofessional look of the ideas list was a factor, along with the
rather ad-hoc way we approached the entire process.  Hopefully we can
begin putting things together and make a more impressive application
with idea list next year.

Sorry all,

- Jim