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Leonardo S. A. Maciel wrote:
> Interview with managing director of TIOBE Software:
> "Recently, Lua was the hype, but now other scripting languages such as
> ActionScript, Groovy, and Factor are about to claim a top 20 position"

I would put much more value in substance as opposed to, uh, 'hype'.

Like bloggers, TIOBE wants to capture your attention so that you
recall 'TIOBE' each time you want to compare the popularity of
languages. Their list is useful to a certain extent, but let's not
take it too seriously...

What are they looking for? Seeing the other posts discussing
ActionScript, Groovy, Factor, D, it's clear their real interest is...


And I guess they want to be the One True Oracle to anoint new
languages that have cute, uh, 'branding'.

Heh. It's a hoot. :-) I apologize for the cynicism. ;-)

Kein-Hong Man (esq.)
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia