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Jim White wrote:
Hi don't worry about it. In the time it between that message and this I have successfully installed python. After spending about a month trying to install lua my attitude probably does suck but then again a month with no results vs. ten minutes... Maybe I have a point.

Frankly, I think the reply you got was more arrogant than your message.

The company I work for create software tools. Despite the wonderful testimonials and emails congratulating us on our work we occasionally get the most incredibly insensitive and arrogant emails from potential customers that I assume are frustrated for one reason or another (which is why their emails appear arrogant or insensitive, etc, etc).

The incorrect approach is to berate them for their attitude.

The sensible approach is to identify why they have that attitude, attend to the problem they have and then fix whatever caused them to have that attitude.

Its sometimes a hard one to swallow and you won't always manage it (for example, if like me you suffer from occasional low blood sugar, you can either be rude (unintentionally, the low blood sugar causes running on ardenaline and you are often unaware of your own behaviour) or walk away, get something to eat and answer the email sensibly).

Sorry you didn't get on with Lua, its a great language.
