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On May 15, 2008, at 7:03 PM, Jorge Visca wrote:

I was wondering what people use as seeds for the random generator.
os.time() seems ok, but the to-the-second precission and my usage
patterns make this a risky option. Not very probable, but when it
happens it means very weird behaviour.

If the quality of the PRNG is important to you, don't use math.random :)

Perhaps you would be better off with LHF's lrandom, a library for generating random numbers based on the Mersenne Twister:

I'm on linux, and the ideal would be lua only solution, with no extra
libraries. I could parse MAC adresses from runing "ifconfig", and hash
them. Or somehow get a number from /dev/urandom... Sadly, "date +%N"
doesn't work on my platform. Any ideas?

For the humble purpose of generating slowly changing string token, I use a combination of math.random and hashing:

Those tokens are used as more or less random HTML form identifiers, to slowdown spambots [1], e.g.:

<input type='text' name='dsr'
<textarea name='ojdmrdwtx'
<input type='hidden' name='faqn'
