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--- Philippe Lhoste <> wrote:

> On 20/05/2008 04:26, gary ng wrote:
> > what
> > good would it be to double click on say
> > socket\http.lua ?
> Can use libcurl to fetch a page, parse it and do
> something if something 
> has changed since last check.
I was not referring to a particular 'app' doing this
http task. But the specific file socket\http.lua that
comes with luasocket which is a module which is useful
only to be required and called
'socket.http.request(url)'. double click on it would
flash a black window then quickly go away.

> > How many lua scripts out on the net belongs to
> this
> > category ?
> Can be backup script or other stuff doing filesystem
> operations. I wrote 
> a script converting a file from Dos ending to Mac
> ending. Can be nice to 
> drag'n'drop such file to the script and make it do
> the conversion.
Yes, but you need to specfically write such a
script(to support DND) and as I said in another post,
these things better use a different extension(like
.wlua) to seperate them from the standard .lua which
can be a module, a command line that needs no
argument, a command line that print a help screen.

> A script can use a GUI library and do stuff the
> Windows way.
> Etc.
> I don't say it is mandatory, and one can do
> shortcuts (links) for such 
> tasks. But it can be useful and shouldn't be
> dispelled by a wave of hand.
Well different people have different prefrence, my
main object is that .lua is too broad to be associated
to lua.exe. 

There may be a reason 'for' it like running
'myscript.lua' in the command window instead of 'lua
myscript.lua' but personally I don't find it to have
such an advantage over the 'double-click' case I think
do more harm than good.