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Hello all:

I have made the raw, unedited audio recordings from the Lua Workshop available on my Linux VPS (virtual private server) here:

Unfortunately, what we ended up with is a single MP3 file which is a concatenation of all recordings from both days. So we need someone to go through the 12 hours or so of audio and create a separate MP3 for each talk that was successfully recorded. A few notes about what we got are in order.

First, on Monday after Chip's presentation, the audio became very faint. I'm not sure why it happened, but I'm guessing that the only usable audio we got for these talks is in Jeremy Schaller's video recordings. However, if you think you can restore the audio to a useful level *and* remove all the noise, then go for it.

Second, there were a few talks on Tuesday for which we have no audio recording (except Jeremy Schaller's video, if he was recording at that time), because the audio stream wasn't running. These are Wes's talk, my talk, and John Rodriguez's talk.

Also, I have one more request for whoever does the editing. Please don't make these edits too tight; I suggest leaving three seconds of extra audio on either end of each talk. This is so we'll have a better chance of synchronizing this audio with Jeremy Schaller's video, if someone wants to take on that project; I have an idea about how it could be done.

Thanks in advance to anyone who volunteers.
