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On 8/7/08, Ralph Hempel <> wrote:
> Leo Razoumov wrote:
> > Is their any specific design/implementation reason that makes LuaRocks
> > self-update difficult or impossible??
> >
>  Having done a LOT of LuaRocks hacking in the last few days, I'd
>  say that one issue is how to arrange for some of the *.lua files
>  to be copied when they are open while LuaRocks is running...
>  Ralph

While LuaRocks is running it could place all the new files in a
separate directory so that new files do not interfere with the
existing LuaRocks installation. At the very end it can simply rename
directories and even keep the old LuaRocks installation if new version
does not work and recovery is needed.


P.S. It is quite puzzling that LuaRocks pre 1.0 cannot do what Ruby
Gems could do from early on.