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Hi, Jeremy,

Just sent you the file by PM. Matthew, do you want me to send it to you again?

Fabio Mascarenhas

On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 4:41 PM, kino <> wrote:
Hi everyone,

In order for me to finish making the last videos from the
presentations I managed to videotape of the Lua Workshop in DC I need
the slides from the following presentations:

LuaRocks and the Kepler "reboot"
Fabio Mascarenhas (Lablua, PUC-Rio)

wxLua Internals
John Labenski

Eliminating Cycles in Weak Tables
Alexandra Barros (PUC-Rio)

External Strings
Chip Salzenberg (Cloudmark)

Intelligent Programmable LCD Modules/Lua Integration
Michal Sieluzycki (Earth Computer Technology)

Lua at Sim Ops Studios
Aaron Tarnow (Sim Ops Studios)

I also need screenshots of the examples and download links for lua
scripts for the WOW presentation in order to finish the luaWOW video:

10,000,000 Lua Users and Growing!
Jim Whitehead II (University of Oxford)

If you could email them to me or post them on the lua workshop site
would be great. Thanks!

