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>  > - Can you show me how to modify your lua parlol example by supplying
>  >  function that will return all possible combinations of two numbers?
>  >  I have been trying to do it in scheme but with no success. I could though
>  >  get them one by one by manually typing (fail).
> As I hinted, it's not very mature yet. After the first non-fail the Choose
>  returns and the internal coroutine is lost. Maybe I'll add a ChooseMulti or
>  ChooseAll variant function with an accumulator table as argument or return
>  value, where in place of this line in coroutineops.lua
>     return choice
>  it would have
>     choices[#choices + 1] = choice
>  You would also need to pass a fail function, which could just be a no-op,
>  to the outer Choose so that it terminates gracefully (otherwise, in the best
>  case, it'll error on Reset).
>  Hope that helps / makes sense. If not, I blame trying to reason about this
>  without coffee. :D I'll mess around with it tomorrow morning and post an
>  example if it works and you haven't already done it.
The new version is attached.
Here's the example:

   local Choose = coroutineops.Choose
   local ChooseMulti = coroutineops.ChooseMulti
   local Reset = coroutine_ex.Reset
   local second = {}
   local first = ChooseMulti({ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }, function(n1)
      second[#second + 1] = Choose({ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }, function(n2)
         if n1 + n2 ~= 7 then
   for i, n1 in ipairs(first) do
      printf("%i, %i", n1, second[i])

There are still some kinks I'd probably hash out in practice, but it seems to function.
- Steve


Attachment: CoroutineOps.lua
Description: Binary data