On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 10:39 AM, Kenneth Forsbäck
<kenneth.forsback@pp.inet.fi> wrote:
I'm not really trying to change lua or anything. The problem is overtyping and manual analysis. It's not too much overtyping, but sometimes it does take its toll. When it comes to manual analysis C is far superior (my opinion) as its syntax makes it very easy to quickly see patterns and structure. With lua you actually have to read everything carefully, or you'll end up overlooking something or misreading, especially when your code turns very complex.
Personally I find Lua's do/end then/end construct "more structured" that what you have in C, precisely because you can clearly identify every single control structure without having to look for matching '}'s. Just because the code is longer it doesn't mean that it's less structured.