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Quoting Shmuel Zeigerman <>:
> The questions:
> 1. How can I get time intervals of waiting for keyboard input measured
> with the 100 ms accuracy under Linux?

I think you should write your own Lua C function,
calling "gettimeofday" (see Linux man page) ; something
like :

int lua_gettime(lua_State *L)
  struct timeval tv;
  struct timezone tz;

  if (gettimeofday(&tv, &tz) == 0) {
    lua_pushnumber(L, tv.tv_sec + tv.tv_usec*0.000001);
    return 1;
  } else {
    luaL_error(L, "could not get time (gettimeofday failed)");
    return 0;

Then you do like with os.clock, but you call your function instead

> 2. Is there a Lua solution to this problem that is portable between (at
> least) Linux and Windows?

AFAIK, I am afraid there is no portable solution.
