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On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 04:05:23PM -0400, Thomas Harning wrote:
> ...
> Has there been any thought on how one could create an arbitrary string- 
> region that one could write to and then finalize?
> Perhaps even be able to convert a userdata object into a string in place 
> (and freeing it if the string value already existed due to interning)
> Another feature that would probably be useful (particularly for string- 
> building) is for userdata to be resizeable...
> Any thoughts?

I wrote a C module which has a resizeable buffer managed as a userdata,
and the finished buffer data can be converted into a Lua string with
'tostring()', but since it's just using the normal Lua API that requires
a new copy being made for Lua's string value.  I suppose if it was built
in then that could be avoided (if Lua just marked it as read-only and
added it to the string pool or whatever).

Anyway, if it helps:

You can write to it (and read data back) by treating the userdatas as file


--- Geoff Richards -------------><-------------- ---
"I tried to fling my shadow at the moon,
 The while my blood leapt with a wordless song."  --  Theodore Roethke