Asko Kauppi wrote:
Thanks for the heads up.
Thanks. I was resisted to adapt 2.8.x (all new Cairo functions got
"not implemented!" status). But at least we can have fixes for old
Would you consider adopting an object-like interface, instead of
the C-like you currently use? This is the #1 issue keeping me away
from LuaCairo and using others (oocairo).
The Cairo C++ API (cairomm) could be used as a reference API. It is
as official as the C API is.
Your current sample (now and "then"):
[oo example snipped]
I tried to hack my code to add an oo style. It seems work. But
before to work for complete implementation, I need your advice: Do
you see any logic error in the following solution?
cr = cairo.create(cs) -- creates a cairo_t* lightuserdata
-- Current style
-- OO style
ctx = cairo.Context(cr) -- creates a Context userdata
They are implemented as:
static int l_cairo_save(lua_State* L)
cairo_t *cr = (cairo_t *) check_lightuserdata(L, 1);
return 0;
static int ool_cairo_save(lua_State* L)
replace_context_with_cairo_t (L);
return l_cairo_save(L);
static void replace_context_with_cairo_t (lua_State *L)
Context *o = check_contextud(L, 1); // o ...
lua_pushlightuserdata(L, o->cr_); // o ... cr
lua_replace(L, 1); // cr ...
Ie. if a Cairo API function has cairo_t* as first parameter then;
-- put it in Context userdata's API
-- when called, forward it to existing l_xxx() brother.
Is it logical or am I hallucinating :)
Hakki Dogusan