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Greetings all,

I am running a trivial script, about 200 times per second and I am seeing some significant slow-down from it.

The script is run each time via a lua_loadstring into a co-routine; given my high frequency use, what kind of benefit
could I expect to see from pre-compiling the script?  I have read that compiled Lua is not compatible across platforms,
so I imagine I would have to do this on first use, and cache it for later? rather than precompiling everything up front into files.

Also, i am planning on writing a Lua function to process, oh 10,000 objects (a table of 10,000 objects); i imagine that Lua's speed would be enough to
do basic arithmetic and such on these objects; but I am more concerned on the need to 'box' and 'unbox' these 10,000 objects from C into a table, and then
back again; does anyone have experience with this?

Thanks for any information you can provide :)

Raymond Jacobs
Ethereal Darkness Interactive