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I was asking for help on #lua today, and someone pointed out that my
stack debugging macro might be useful in the Lua Auxiliary API.

Here's the macro in case anyone is interested in using it.  It can be
called from any point in your code, providing you have access to the

The macro shows you the value in the case of a string, number or boolean value.

#define showstack(lstack)	\
	for (int i=0;i<lua_gettop(lstack)+1;i+=1)\
		if (lua_isnumber(lstack,i))\
			cout << i << ": number : " << lua_tonumber(lstack,i) << endl;\
		else if (lua_isstring(lstack,i))\
			cout << i << ": string : " << lua_tostring(lstack,i) << endl;\
		else if (lua_istable(lstack,i))\
			cout << i << ": table" << endl;\
		else if (lua_iscfunction(lstack,i))\
			cout << i << ": cfunction" << endl;\
		else if (lua_isfunction(lstack,i))\
			cout << i << ": function" << endl;\
		else if (lua_isboolean(lstack,i))\
			if (lua_toboolean(lstack,i)==true)\
				cout << i << ": boolean : true" << endl;\
				cout << i << ": boolean : false" << endl;\
		else if (lua_isuserdata(lstack,i))\
			cout << i << ": userdata" << endl;\
		else if (lua_isnil(lstack,i))\
			cout << i << ": nil" << endl;\
		else if (lua_islightuserdata(lstack,i))\
			cout << i << ": light userdata" << endl;\

Regards, James.