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> Indeed. You didn't mention two .so files in your original post. A
> better description of your problem might get more specific advice.

Not to belabor the point, but I did mention it, but perhaps my
description was convoluted.
Quote: "the module links against a shared library itself"

> What do you mean by "loads fine"? It can't be that fine, if it ain't working!
> What happens? How about some lua code, and some console output? gdb
> stack trace? Something?

I mean require("muro") find  The trouble is in loading, the dependency is not resolved.  All things
Lua-related in this case are working fine, which is what I meant in my
previous message.

> Is lua finding If not, your package.cpath needs work.

Yes.  This is not the problem.

> dlopen uses ld to resolve references in
good to know.

> Is ld resolving refs? When you run ldd on, what does it say?
> It should say depends on, and print the full path
> to If it doesn't, your ld configuration or cache needs
> work.

I'll test these later in the week as I'm no longer on the same
machine.  I usually work on OSX, and there are some things dealing
with shared libs on ubuntu that just don't translate.  Thanks for the
pointers, I'll see what I can find out.
