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> Lua throws 'struct lua_longjmp*' which is an undefined type for
> everyone but itself. maybe you will add some the fully defined type
> could be catched the right way?
> take a look here:
> int my_func( lua_State *L ) {
>  try {
>    // blah-blah, possible call funcs from some library
>    // call to some Lua function raising error
>    // blah, once again
>  }
>  catch( myexception ) { /* do some great work */ }
>  catch( void* ) { throw; /* conceivably Lua exception? */ }
>  catch( ... ) { /* general error suicide ;) */ }
> }
> using 'catch( void* )' is weird a lot, no one cannot be sure an
> another code isn't raising somthing casting to void*.

Why would you want to catch Lua exceptions outside of Lua code? Why
not use pcall?
