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A series of comments though without the organization that John has brought to bear.

* Prompt resource finalization is a common problem and one worthy at least of consideration. Mutex locks, database transactions, and open files all benefit from prompt release and some times correctness may be on the line. __gc based finalization should be a backstop for those cases where analyzing the control flow is too difficult.

* The problems with pcall-based solutions are legion. Technically they are correct, but they force the introduction of extra levels of function scoping thereby interfering with break and return. They also tend to promote more frequent creation of temporary functions which then need to be garbage collected. This hurts performance.

* That said, pcall can be made to work. The coroutine issues can be addressed by using a coroutine-based implementation of pcall or by using something like Coco. pcall comes with expenses as outlined above, but in general a new mechanism is not necessarily needed.

* My solution to appendud looks something like the following:

	function appendud( tab, ud )
		tab:update_do( function()
			ud:with_lock_do( function()
				for i = 1, #ud do
					tab[ #tab + 1 ] = ud[ i ]
			end )
		end )

This depends on objects offering routines like update_do and with_lock_do rather than or in addition to the bracketing routines. The implementation of such routines gets a bit tricky, but could probably be aided with some library functions.

	local function pcall2call( success, ... )
		if not success then
			error( ( ... ) )
			return ...

	local function _finish_update( self, ... )
		return pcall2call( ... )

	function Tab:update_do( ... )
		return _finish_update( self, pcall( ... ) )

pcall2call should really be a library function and should do the appropriate scope level adjustment on error reporting.

We could generate this boilerplate using something like:

	Tab.update_do = makeWrapper( "beginUpdate", "endUpdate" )

(Though see my earlier note about wanting to add support for the syntax obj:[ msg ]() as shorthand for obj[ msg ]( obj ) with the guarantee that obj gets evaluated only once.)

* But note that my implementation of appendud generates two closures each time it is invoked.

* The above pattern can be continued but it really proliferates if we need things like tentative_pushback_do so that we can write addfriend ( ) as:

	function user:addfriend( newfriend )
		self.friends:transactional_pushback_do( newfriend, function()
			database:addfriend( self:getname(), newfriend:getname() )
		end )

This is implemented using:

	local function _finish_pushback( self, success, ... )
		if not success then
			error( ( ... ) )
			return ...

	function list:transactional_pushback_do( value, ... )
		self:pushback( value )
		return _finish_pushback( self, pcall( ... ) )

But who is really going to write all of those wrappers up front?

* The obvious place to hook this logic in is at roughly the same place where upvalues get closed. One caveat in that regard, however, is that it probably won't do the expected thing in the case of a tail call unless it moves scope closures up a level in such cases.

* Explicit syntax for creating scope-exit logic seems valuable both for being clear about what is going on and so that the compiler can avoid any overhead of checking for such logic when it isn't needed (though note that moving things up the stack on tail calls would make some sort of check required everywhere).

* Question: Should scope logic detect coroutine yields and resumes?

* If Lua were ever to support non-local exits from functions, it needs some sort of unwind protection mechanism as an alternative to pcall since it isn't entirely clear how a pcall-based system should function when handling a non-local exit -- e.g., does pcall catch it and if so what does it return? (I have some ideas, but they aren't fleshed out and I would hardly call them obvious.)

I'm not prepared at this time to endorse specific syntax or implementation, but I would concur with those who feel that this is an area Lua needs to consider extension for the sake of program clarity, correctness, and performance.
