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It could be because Lua scripts already have a way to create tables.
If the standard libraries had a table.create function, then what
arguments would it take?
* none? In which case, it gains nothing above the existing ability to
create tables
* narray, nhash? In which case, the standard library API implies
things about the underlying implementation details of tables in other
implementations of Lua.
* size? In which case, how would a single size argument translate to
narray and nhash?

On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 4:15 PM, Marco Antonio Abreu<> wrote:
> Thank you Fábio.
> In this case it will work properly.
> So, even the Aline libray has the function, we get back to the original
> question: Why there is no native function to mirror lua_createtable() from
> the C API?
> tks,
> Marco