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On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 7:08 PM, Graham
Wakefield<> wrote:
> It's definitely fast, but the API is cumbersome... I'm toying with LPEG to
> write a kind of slimmed down C that talks more seamlessly with Lua, as a
> more usable alternative for JIT compiled inline code. Definitely some
> potential, but also some trickiness.

Oh yes, C/C++ is a bastard to parse (learned the hard way)

I did not jump directly into implementation, precisely because Lua is
getting faster with JIT, to the point where having inlined C (or
Fortran) would be something that's only useful occaisionally, like
inlined asm in C.  And tolua++ really is clever.

It remains true that most big high-performance number-crunching apps
spend most of their cycles in 10% of the code - that's essentially the
Knuth rule of thumb.  The other 90% of the code is mostly bureaucracy,
which is not Fortran's forte... (or C, for that matter)

steve d.