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The Idle v0.7beta is out. See for details
about Idle and for downloads.

This release will be the last beta version.

Changes include:

+ the file I/O routines support files larger than 2/4 GB
+ new function gui.RegisterHotkey(hk[,cb]) connects system-wide
  hotkeys with Idle callback functions
+ task.cancel(id) ends or kills a running task/thread
+ task.forcereturn(id) ends a runaway task/thread
+ strings can escape hexadecimal values as '\xXX'

- sqlite3.dll has been renamed idlesql.dll (should be transparent)
- the Tiny C support has been upgraded to v0.9.25
- the Perl support has been upgraded to the Perl 5.10 stream

Idle is a compact, powerful scripting language based on Lua. It is
available for Windows 2000 and later systems. Idle is released under the
MIT licence.

cheers  thomasl
