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On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 6:44 PM, Ashish Shrestha<> wrote:
> Hi, All.
> Sorry if this is off topic. I currently do all Lua development on a
> remote Arch Linux box. My personal machine is a Mac. Can people who
> have setup a Lua development environment to do Lua and C development
> share how/what their environment is setup?
> What tools do you use? Do you use MacPort? How do you setup to do Lua
> and C together. Do you use luarocks?

Hi Ashish,

I use TextMate with my own Lua bundle (although this one probably
needs some more work):

I compile my modules from the command line. I am not a gcc and C
expert but this is what I use to compile a json module on Leopard for
gcc -Wall -O2 -fno-common -c json_tokener.c -I/opt/local/include
gcc -Wall -O2 -fno-common -c json_lua.c -I/opt/local/include
gcc -Wall -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup json_lua.o json_tokener.o -o

For the module, see:
I am not sure my flags are perfect, so feel free to correct them...

My version of Lua is installed in /opt/local because I used MacPorts.
But you don't need Macports as Lua is easy to compile once you have
the developers tools from Apple. Lua usually installs in /usr/local.

I also use LuaRocks for some modules and it usually works fine with
most modules.

Bertrand Mansion