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Hi, we develop a mobile aplication with lua, and it uses luasoap for
consuming web services published in a Jboss aplication server.
It was quite simple to do it and it works very well. Now we are trying
to port this application to android operating system, the main problem
is to cross compile expat for android (has anyone tried this?).
One thing that it could be improved is support for wssecurity in this
Best regards

El mar, 13-10-2009 a las 15:07 +0200, Thijs Koerselman escribió:
> Hi,
> I would like to write a simple SOAP client in Lua. I am using luarocks
> and installed the Kepler project additionally. I found luasoap, but my
> problem is that it relies on Expat, yet isn't available for luarocks.
> Apparently it was developed as part of the Kepler project, but I
> haven't found anything about SOAP in the Kepler documentation.
> Luasoap is also quite old (2004) so I wonder if it is recommended.
> If I'm going with luasoap, is there a way to add it to the luarocks
> repository, so that it will automatically find luaexpat there too?
> Thijs